Wednesday, February 07, 2018


In our kitchen and bathroom, we have fluorescent lighting.

One of the first things that the building manager taught me is that 9 out of 10 times when the light flickers, it is the glow lamp or tentokan in Japanese.

The glow lamp or tentokan is a teeny bulb that "starts" up the larger fluorescent bulb.

Unfortunately the other night, when the light started to flicker (like a neon sign) in the kitchen, it was the larger bulb.

Which of course I don't really keep spares around because 9 out of 10 times it's that teeny one that needs changing.

I could've ran to the convenience store, but who wants to go out in -3C (26F) weather, especially at night...

So, I went to the DIY store the next day and was surprised that the Japanese made bulb was 3 times the price of the one made in China.

I guess I could've bought the cheaper of the two but thought if I did, I would only need to purchase another one in a couple of months.

Anyway, at least we have light now (that is not blinking like a neon sign).


  1. I wouldn't go out at -3° either, but at least you have light on your birthday! happy birthday!!!!

  2. Interesting!! And it's your birthday??!! Happy Birthday!!

  3. aw thanks Rowena :)

    Thanks Jalna :)

    Take care you two.


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