Saturday, March 24, 2018


It was the First Day of Spring the other day, but we had a winter storm.

Cold rain and icy winds...brr.

Changing the cute is this teeny sakura (cherry) tree/branch that BIL gave to MIL for her birthday.

It is growing in a ball of moss and dirt.

MIL said that when she received it the buds were a light pink...

They turned darker and one actually bloomed.

Hope your Spring got off to a better start!


  1. that is sooo cute! I always want to buy those bonsai from the stores in Japan. Too bad we cannot bring them back. (Or can we?)

  2. What a cute plant! I didn't get to respond to your other post but I'm sorry to hear about the moving orders, I enjoy your osaka updates! But as your blog title says...yet another adventure in Japan! I hope you find a good oasis in Tokyo.

  3. Hope the weather is better now Kat!

  4. I don’t think you can bring back, V!

    Thanks Jenny

    Jalna, really is cute!

    Kinda blazing now Kirk!

    Take care everyone!


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