Friday, March 09, 2018


The other day as I was coming back from the market, I saw this "moving" in the azalea bushes of our apartment complex.

Which of course, startled me.

Then I took a closer look and realized it was a furry neck warmer thingy...whew!

Whenever someone drops something like a glove, people hang it from the fence or in this case the wall where they found the lost item.

If you've dropped something and retrace your steps you might be able to find your lost item on a fence or wall.

Cool yeah?!

Have a nice weekend.


  1. That's awesome! At first I thought it was a squirrel! Take care!

  2. I thought it was a squirrel with a pretty large tail!

  3. lol, I would be freaked if I saw that too! But love the gesture as well!

  4. it is nice isn't it, Kal?!

    it (the gesture) really is Mich :)

    Rowena, you should've seen it after yesterday's rains...eep!

    Jalna, :)

    Jenny, I'm glad I didn't scream out loud :)

    Take care everyone!

  5. I saw that photo on Flickr and wondered what the heck the post was going to be about Kat! It's great that folks do that; but when it actually looks alive.....


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