Monday, March 05, 2018

kyu yamu tetsudo (again)

After Satoshi saw my Instagram post on Kyu Yamu Tetsudo, he wanted to check them out.

Satoshi really likes Japanese style curry so I was surprised he wanted to try this type.

Japanese style curry is the roux type using flour and some kind of oil.

Kyu Yamu's curries are what the Japanese call "spice curries", which I believe use veggies, some type of stock, some type of protein and lots of different spices.

Some spice curries can be on the "watery" side while some can be quite thick.

Since Kyu Yamu's menu hadn't changed from the last time I went (only a couple of days before) I ordered the other 2 curries which was a spicy beef & pork keema and vegetable curry.

This time around I chose the brown rice.

On the weekends they only have one soup for you to change up the flavors.

Luckily, it happened to be the one I hadn't tried, the Japanese dashi(stock).

Man, that spicy keema was super spicy.

Satoshi chose all four...sigh.

And since we had just seen a movie, our ticket stubs also gave us a small free drink.

Satoshi chose beer (even though he was gonna go out drinking afterwards...ahem)...while I chose oolong tea.

I think he enjoyed this and I'm glad he got to try this place.

p.s. our temps have skyrocketed over the past two high as 21C (69F)...BUT are gonna slump back down 10 degrees or so in the coming days...gasp!


  1. crazy weather here too, but at least it'll be the kind where you can really appreciate some spicy curry of any sort - bring it!

  2. Back so soon, must be good! Keep warm.

  3. Rowena, you guys and the US are getting it bad...stay warm! bake more of those brownies in your wood stove :)

    Thanks Kirk!

    Take care you two.


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