Monday, April 30, 2018

yashi pan

About 10 minutes from where we live is Yashi Pan, a tiny bakery.

On my first visit I tried their tuna and corn bread, this was filled with lots of tuna, corn, black pepper and some mayo.

The other thing I tried was their baked curry pan (left).

The curry was more Asian with hints of coconut milk.

I liked that this wasn't fried and that it was filled to the gills with curry.

The other day I tried their Chicken Panini which had lots of grainy mustard in it.

Their frank roll had grainy mustard in it too, but to me the chicken panini had a little more flavor.

There are other items I am looking forward to trying and I like that you need to communicate with the people behind the counter as to what you want to purchase.

I'll be back.

Yashi Pan
4-23-9 Ikegami
Ota, Tokyo
Phone: 03.6312.9101
Hours: 8:00-18:00
Closed Wednesdays & the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays


  1. Looks like you're finding all the little gems where you live Kat!

  2. 近所にたくさん美味しいお店あるみたいですね。

    連休始まりましたね。 家の片付けは無事に終わりましたか?


  3. Japanese Bakeries! <3<3<3

  4. how are you finding the prices of things now that you live in Tokyo?

  5. hope so Kirk :)

    We've cleaned up most of our things Tomomi :)

    I know Jalna :)

    me too V!

    not too bad Rowena, thought it would be more pricey!

    They were K!

    Take care everyone.


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