Friday, June 01, 2018

grocery finds

Some grocery finds...malabar spinach from Miyagi prefecture.

My father used to grow something similar in his backyard but he called it Okinawan spinach, so I think it must be a different variety.

After rinsing it, I just wilted it in a non-stick pan.

We ate it twice, once with mayo and once with sesame dressing.

It does have a little sliminess to it so even if it is called spinach it is a little different.

The other items we have bought before...blueberries, togan (wintermelon) and colorful radishes.

I am enjoying my trips to different supermarkets in the area.


  1. Thanks for finally writing about >"grocery finds" <Loved it!

  2. at a restaurant I used to work at, the groundskeeper/gardener grew that kind of spinach and I remember the slimy characteristic - tasty though!

  3. I think eating it with mayo and a little shoyu makes it all good Rowena :)

    Take care.


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