Tuesday, July 17, 2018

15 cents

If you live in or planning to visit Hawaii, a new law applies a 15-cent charge for bags which started on July 1st.

Groceries, clothing, pretty much anything needing a bag will cost you 15-cents (each) unless you brought your own bag (s).

The only thing exempt is take out foods.

It can add up if you forget your bag.

I like that it will cut down the amount of plastic bags Hawaii will be using.


  1. I thought Hawaii would've stepped up their game by now, but it's too bad that composting organic material is still not a fact over there. We have the option of biodegradable bags at the supermarket for 1 cent (smaller ones in the veggie section) or 10 cents (larger ones at the checkout). Wake up Hawaii! Plastic is hurting our environment!

  2. It's ten cents a bag here Kat.....we used to try to bring our own reusable bags anyway. Much better for the environment.

  3. Hawaii is behind on recycling Rowena, especially with the plastics.

    10 cents is still a lot Kirk, glad you bring your own bags.

    Take care you two.


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