Wednesday, August 29, 2018

choosing the shady side

This summer is hotter than it has been in the past, according to the weather dudes...

Whenever we walk outside we choose the side of the street that has the most shade.

Sometimes there is a slight (warm) breeze with the shade..super rare though.

Most times it feels like you are in the oven, like right under the broiler element (even with my sun umbrella).

The wet humidity just makes everything really uncomfortable.

I've heard that there is a huge demand for ac now but not enough people to install them.

Since our apartment does not have many electrical outlets, we'll need to figure out how to cool our apartment after we survive this summer.


  1. I hope you'll be able to figure something out 'cause it seems to get hotter every year no matter where you go these days.

  2. It's been a lot more humid here this year does seem to be getting hotter every year.

  3. I remember the horrid humidity on my trips to Japan during this time. Ugh. I feel for you considering we had humidity as a parting gift from Lane, today finally the tradewinds are back. Sucks without having enough electrical outlets....have you considered a portable a/c, many sold here are Japan made. The caveat is that though more pricey than a window a/c, it does not cool as efficiently as a window. It also needs a dedicated electrical outlet and do get the most BTUs as you can afford. I made the mistake of getting a cheaper price one, and yeah it doesn't cool as well. Stay cool. -N

  4. hope so too Rowena :)

    Hope it is getting cooler where you are, Kirk!

    We are looking into something that might be able to plug into the wall, N, luckily it is not a room we often use, though maybe if we get something, we'll use that room more often :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. Good luck in finding a solution. My family is so spoiled now that we have air conditioning in the house and PV to take care of the electricity costs.

  6. Thanks Jalna :)

    Take care.


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