Monday, August 20, 2018

misumi flower shop

There is a tiny flower shop in our neighborhood that we stumbled upon...Misumi Flower Shop.

I don't buy flowers too often, but when I do, it is usually for my mom and grandma.

I like this shop because the grandpa that runs this shop is always so nice.

Like the shop I used to buy from in Osaka, he always asks if I want him to cut the stem shorter.

I'm glad I found a reasonable and friendly place to buy flowers at.

Misumi Flower Shop
7-14-12 Ikegami
Ota, Tokyo
Hours & Days Off N/A


  1. Looks like you're having fun exploring the neighborhood Kat.

  2. amazing what we find while walking around Kirk :)

    the grandpa is so cute, Jalna :)

    Take care you two.

  3. it's amazing how a little bit of friendliness [from a shop owner] goes such a long way!

  4. so true Rowena!

    Take care.


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