Monday, August 27, 2018

supermarket finds

Came across nectarines at the market recently.

They are grown in Nagano Prefecture.

I've never seen nectarines in our markets when we were living in Osaka. (Maybe because I am not usually around in Japan during summer?!)

A little tart, but really juicy.

I'm glad we got to try this and I hope the rest of these will be as good or even better.

p.s. I'm glad to hear that Oahu didn't get hit with the hurricane, but I do hope that Maui and the Big Island will be able to make a quick recovery from all that rain.

Have a good week everyone.


  1. the images from all that WET on Big Island is unbelievable!! have you seen much of eggplant in the super? I haven't seen much over here...I wonder if it's because it was so hot and not enough rain.

  2. really good Jalna :)

    lots of eggplant here Rowena...wondering why you guys don't have much in your markets.

    Take care you two.


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