Thursday, August 23, 2018

thanks for today

With the cooler weather over the weekend, we've been having beautiful sunsets.

This one is from Saturday.

Click on the photo above to see the short video.

This photo was take a few minutes afterwards...

This week...the heat and humidity are back.

Japan has two typhoons approaching in the coming days...I also hear that Hawaii has a hurricane approaching...stay safe everyone!


  1. beautiful sunsets!
    A lot of people are being proactive here for hurricane preparedness (read freaking out).
    Most of the companies are shutting down Thus and/or Fri to reopen on Monday....except the particular one I work for:( We got a memo saying IF situation warrants, we will shut down at noon tomorrow.
    This is so different from Japan...I've been touring several times when typhoons were occuring and people were still going to work, walking and driving around in the wind and rain. I know this because we're on a bus and seeing all this, and I'm thinking hmmmm. One of the tour guides was busy calling her offices (JTB?) asking for different routes to avoid road closures, or clear routes. Really different work ethic.
    My idea of preparedness is my phone, my tablet, my ipad and battery pack are all charged up and I loaded some movies and kdrama on. Plus, I have 2 books and my Japanese language work books. (I pretty much listed them in the order that I will go through should power go out, LOL)
    You stay safe too! Hot and humid here too.

  2. V, not even snow will stop them from going to school or work, krazy yeah?! Hope you guys will be okay!

    Take care.

  3. So beautiful!! That V is so so funny. I neva even know she had Japanese language work books.

  4. Lovely photos Kat......I remember VongFong...folks in Kyoto were just treating it like another day....

  5. seats in the house!

  6. I never know too Jalna!

    takes a lot for them to not go into work Kirk.

    really Rowena!

    Take care everyone.


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