Sunday, September 23, 2018

shake shack

Finally finished my dental work this past Wednesday.

Nearly 6 months...

I really think this dentist is more thorough than the one I was going to in Osaka.

Anyway, to celebrate, I had Shake Shack's 'Shroom Burger...a deep fried portobello mushroom with 2 types of cheeses.

Oozy cheese and fried to perfection.

I'm glad that the dental visits are over and my next visit will be sometime next year for cleaning...


  1. I'm glad your visits are done!

  2. Glad your dental visits are done with Kat.

  3. you guys went through a LOT in the past 6 months!

  4. Congratulations on successfully completing your dental work!
    Is it because you're originally from Hawaii that you like all these hamburgers? LOL, I ask because when I go to Japan, I only look for wafu hamburger.
    I went to my dentist for that lump too and he said I should go back to the guy who did my root canal. The root canal guy said in essence, I'll know when it' time to come back to get an extraction and implant Grrrr!

  5. Ooooh, that burger sounds ono!

  6. me too K!

    Thanks, me too Kirk!

    man that is an understatement, Rowena!

    I was reading something that having a salad is good, but having a burger is better, or something like that V....

    was ono Jalna!

    Take care everyone.


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