Wednesday, December 05, 2018


Tried Hutte's stollen recently.

Loved how it was moist, a little dense...almost like cake.

There was a little marzipan in the middle and lots of dried fruits and nuts in it.

It's stollen season and since we've moved to Tokyo, I am on the look out for places with far, I think this one is a fave.


  1. I went to brug here to buy one. I better look at it again to see what I assumed to be chestnut but maybe it was marzipan. Sooo expensive too!

  2. I'm not a fruits in a bread kind of person but I remember at the Kahala Hotel one year we all had to bag the stollens the Exec Chef made cuz Christmas Day every guest room was given one. It's a tradition there. Man, that thing was heavy and thick (no I didn't even try to eat it) and it must be so dry since this was a couple weeks before Xmas. I was thinking it's probably like biscotti - N

  3. It looks like the Bien Fait (from VT) cakes. So very delicious!

  4. I love the idea of marzipan in the middle...maybe I'll try making some this year.

  5. The dried fruit and labor that goes into making these make it expensive, V!

    Actually N, most are like fruitcake/pound cake, so it is super moist.

    Thanks Dawn, I checked out Bien Fait's website, it does look like fruitcake! :)

    Take care everyone.

  6. upload to Instagram, Rowena, would love to see your stollen :)

    Take care!

  7. It's nice that you have access to a good variety of items Kat.


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