Monday, January 07, 2019

the first week of 2019

Happy New Year!

Hope you started the new year off with little to no stress.

I think we started the year off right by being able to see Mount Fuji.

We had ozoni for our first breakfast.

We also went to a lot of shrines around our area for hatsumode.

We also had osechi...this year I bought mostly everything since we were on a little trip before the New Year (which I'll write about later), but did make namasu and tataki gobo (burdock root).

We didn't have all the foods to make it an authentic osechi...oh well.

We face-timed with family on their first day of 2019 (love technology!)

finally got to introduce Satoshi to Civitas, he had the "snack" plate with ham and enjoyed it...we'll definitely be back.

On Friday, Satoshi went back to work, so I went to see "A Star Is Born", I didn't realize it was a remake (have not seen the original nor the other remake)...Loved the music!

Lunch before the movie was at City Bakery...veggie sandwich and cappuccino.

Saturday we went to Naritasan in Chiba.

Lunch or more like mid-afternoon meal was at Surugaya where we waited 3 hours for unagi! (more about that later too).

So that was our first week.

I'll write up things more in detail later, but thought I should kind of bring you up to date.

Have a good week!


  1. Can't wait to hear about it, especially the Unagi and osechi! Looks so ono! Happy New Year's Kat! Love Mich and K

  2. Happy New Year! sounds like such a wonderful 1st week and great food!
    Was "A Star is Born" dubbed in Japanese or subtitled? curious.

  3. I have my fingers crossed for 2019 as it did start out so beautifully (unlike 2018 that was foggy and just plain ugly). this will be the year for reading!

  4. Thanks Mich, all the best to you this year!

    It was subtitled in Japanese, V.

    Look forward to hearing about your books, Rowena :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. Hope your first week was a good one Kirk :)

    Jalna, krazy yeah?!

    Take care you two.


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