Monday, March 25, 2019


Breakfast the next morning was a little more appealing, though I couldn't eat the natto...too stinky.

Check out how thick this tamagoyaki (rolled omelette) is?!

After breakfast, we checked out the Yorokeikoku area, which has a trail that goes around and over the Yoro River in several places.

This area is a popular spot to view Fall Foliage (we hope to come back to check it out).

There was also this "2-story" tunnel...I think in different seasons there is more moss (other photos I saw online showed the top "tunnel" greener)

Back in Chiba city, it was freaky to see and ride this upside down monorail.

It is apparently more quiet and more stable though.

It was a super short trip and we've hit another cold snap.

If you're interested in seeing some photos & videos that I didn't post, please check out the album here.

I hope you enjoyed this adventure as much as we did.


  1. Love the photo of the foot bridge. So pretty!

  2. I think this place might be my next trip! Everything I like, either ume flowers or fall foliage and nature walks!
    Thanks for sharing.
    When I went to Hokkaido several years ago, we stopped at a nanohana farm on our way to see shibazakura. Stinky! I also wonder why they call it rapeweed.

  3. It was a really peaceful area, Jalna!

    The connections of trains was a bit frustrating V, but other than that, it would be a nice side trip.

    Take care you two.

  4. what a beautiful, peaceful spot -- worth the trip getting there I am sure!

  5. No such thing as "too stinky natto" Kat! ;o) At least according to my mom.... Not sure about that upside-down monorail though.

  6. Rowena, it was nice bonding with nature :)

    Kirk, your mom :) priceless!

    Take care you two.


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