Saturday, March 23, 2019


I thought I should bring you up to date...if you remember, when we first moved to Tokyo, I had thought that we would have to bathe at the public baths over the winter because our bathtub didn't have a "reheat" button...

Well, "someone" must of heard me because after posting about it, I stumbled on the reheat button for our bathtub...saving me from going to the public baths during the cold months...whew!

One thing I learned while watching the local cable channel and also from the article I linked in my previous post on public baths is that the bath water is black in our area and is called "kuro-yu" (literally black hot water).

I am not sure what makes the bath water black, but think it may be due to the types of minerals in the hot spring water.

Satoshi's been to the one nearby several times but if I do get a chance to check out a public bath in our neighborhood, I'll be sure to share the experience.


  1. Jalna, I know...

    Take care!

  2. Whew....though black water would kinda freak me out.

  3. okay I just gotta ask this don't have a shower in your bathroom?

  4. Rowena, we do have a shower, but during the winter soaking in the bathtub helps keep warm during the cold months...showering isn't as effective keeping warm...hope that makes sense.

    Take care!

  5. I think....sorry, I am just comparing to western habits, but I mean, in the winter we turn on the heating (not centralized but that kind of radiator-looking thing that is in every room), but now it just dawned on me that you don't have them or centralized heating.

  6. Rowena, I wish we had those radiator looking heaters or at least those towel heaters...our a/c turns into a heater but it is only in the kitchen...

    Take care!


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