Sunday, April 14, 2019

care package

We were happy to receive this care package from MIL...our yearly stash of ikanago no kugini (which literally means simmered nails).

Ikanago (Japanese sand lance) is simmered in shoyu (soy sauce), ginger, sugar, mirin (sweet rice wine), sake (rice wine) & mizuame (starch syrup, like corn syrup) until it is caramelized.

This is a famous dish in Kobe and many families have their own recipes and variations of the dish.

This is usually seen in the stores during Spring.

I put 3 of the 4 containers into the freezer, and will slowly take it out for us to eat with rice during the year.

Thank you MIL!


  1. is there something like this in Hawaii? it looks rather familiar, like I saw it somewhere but didn't realize what I was looking at.

  2. Thanks Kirk :)

    Rowena, never saw this in Hawaii, though you might have seen it at Shirokiya when they used to sell okazu.

    Take care you two.


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