Saturday, April 06, 2019

sakura walk (kinuta park)

Yesterday, I had a dental appointment which I found out that I need some work to be done after Golden!

Afterwards, I went one train station over to an area called Yoga and walked to Kinuta Park.

There are signs that lead you through a beautiful kind of artsy neighborhood.

Kinuta Park was huge!

Though there are areas where bicycles and pets are not allowed.

The cherry trees look huge but are several trees growing in a cluster.

I noticed many people having their lunch with wine!

And the concession stand was also selling alcohol.

The winds picked up while I was there making cherry blossom blizzards.

Hope to check out a few more places this weekend.


  1. Oh no....hope the dental work isn't too invasive Kat!

  2. Kirk, crossing fingers it isn't as bad as last year's dental work...

    Take care.

  3. okay Kat, now that you mention the wine...maybe a future post will have you packing a picnic lunch with wine, just like in France! would be cool :)


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