Friday, April 12, 2019

supermarket finds

Yesterday it rained all day and the temps went all the way down to 3C(37F)! Some areas even got snow! (not ours though)

Anyway, today it is blustery and still very cold.

We enjoyed this orange called "Sun Queen".

The orbs are a little smaller than a tennis ball.

The peel is firm and the flesh super juicy.

The flesh was so juicy that we usually ate our orange slices over the sink.

The juice was sweet with a slight tart finish.

A conversation Satoshi and I had at the sink one morning was about playing with the peel as a "mouthpiece" when we were growing up...saying "cheese" and showing the orange peel in our mouth in place of a smile...did you do this growing up too?!

I think the peel would be nice candied, maybe dipped in dark chocolate...

I've also seen some people online making marmalade from this type of orange.

Do you have something similar where you live?


  1. Ahahaha, one of my cousins does something like that with the orange peel wedges. he slices partially through the wedges to make teeth and sticks them with the white side(membrane) facing outwards in him mouth,looks so goofy!

  2. LOL, what V said . . . so clever!

  3. lol so funny V!

    Jalna, so funny, yeah?!

    Take care you two.

  4. Good lord....take me back to hannabuddah days Kat!

  5. as kids, my siblings and I did all sorts of kooky things with food to amuse ourselves (or irritate my mom). ^-^ a question though...when you buy citrus, is there info to let you know that they're organic/not sprayed or treated with chems? I have to be very careful when purchasing lemons and oranges for the purpose of using the rind, as often there will be a sign stating that the skin is treated and not edible.

  6. Kirk :)

    Rowena, some organic fruits/veg are marked but most are not. I've heard that many farmers here try to raise most of the crops/fruits organically though.

    Take care you two!


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