Tuesday, April 23, 2019

tofu poke

If you don't eat raw fish or can't get your hands on fresh raw fish, using tofu in poke is a nice substitution.

I used 150 grams of firm tofu, half a packet of the NOH poke mix (a teaspoon of the Hawaiian salt and chili peppers), a teaspoon of sesame oil and added some green onions.

Mix well.

Make this ahead of time, so that the Hawaiian salt will melt.

NOTES: super easy and tasty. I plan to make this more often this summer.


  1. I've actually made versions of this Kat....it turns out pretty well.

  2. Great tip! I have a couple blocks of tofu in the 'fridge right now too!

  3. nice Kirk!

    Hope you like it Jalna!

    Take care you two.

  4. tofu poke bowl idea!

  5. Rowena, can't wait until it is summer (salad weather!)

    Take care!


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