Tuesday, May 28, 2019


1st time trying burrata...where have we been?

This cheese is creamy, buttery...so so good!

Recently I saw some at Kaldi (an import food store) and at the time didn't buy it, but when I went on Saturday, I picked one up.

It was frozen, so I thawed it out.

Since it is a fresh cheese, it has to be frozen to make the trip overseas...

I sliced it and put it onto some tomatoes.

Drizzled it with olive oil.

Put some basil.

And ground a little pepper.

I'm glad we tried this and have heard that some Japanese cheese makers are making burrata, so I will keep my eye to try their version.

Have you tried burrata? What is your favorite way to enjoy this?


  1. love burrata! Ruscello, the cafe at Nordstroms has a caprese/bruschetta comes with toast, burrata and tomato that is so good.

  2. V, that is good to know :)

    Take care!

  3. it's just incredible that it's being shipped over there! and now that I know it can be frozen, I might try that myself (for when there's a promo and I can't pass it up). ^-^

  4. Thanks Jalna!

    Rowena, FYI the burrata I bought wasn't wrapped in rennet as I read most burrata is on Wikipedia...dunno if without the rennet makes freezing easier...

    Take care you two.

  5. I just like burrata drizzled with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.

  6. With balsamic sounds delicious, Kirk!

    Take care.


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