Thursday, June 13, 2019

around honmonji

Monday, it rained

Since I needed to go out in the rain for some groceries, I also went to check out the hydrangea.

There are many temples around Honmonji.

One in particular is Myokendo.

Along the stairs to the temple are many ajisai (hydrangea).

I don't think the ajisai were in full bloom at this temple.

If you'd like to see a short video I shot in the rain, click the link here.

In the back of Nagasoyamayogen Temple, there were azalea and ajisai which are planted on the perimeter of their cemetery.

It's been rainy (and cold! The temps dropped to 16C (60F)!) hope to get out to other temples/parks to see their hydrangea in the coming days.


  1. nice to see those hydrangea starting to bloom (although the rain not so much eh?!) I think we're out of the woods for rain/storms/hail at the moment....I better just shut my mouth!

  2. Rowena, I hope sunny (better) weather is heading your way!

    Take care!


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