Monday, June 17, 2019

coffee jelly

Have you ever had coffee jelly?

In Japan, "jelly" is pronounced "zelly" and is a shortened version of "gelatin".

Anyway, you will often see coffee jelly on many menus here.

If you'd like to make your own, do this...makes about 2 servings

200 mililiters hot coffee
5 grams gelatin
20 grams sugar

vanilla ice cream

Make the coffee.
Mix in the sugar.
Using part of your hot coffee, mix it with the gelatin, so that it will not clump.
Put in the refrigerator to set.
Serve with vanilla ice cream.

NOTES: this is perfect for those humid days...I'm pretty sure you could even do this with tea if you don't drink coffee...happy summer!


  1. yes, this is my all time favorite dessert. Can experiment with Bailey's Irish Creme, or Kahlua to "jazz it up and make coffee jelly shots :) I have made it with matcha too.
    it's so hot here lately, too. ugh

  2. I've had coffee jelly a couple of times Kat. Never thought to make it though.

  3. I'm surprised you haven't made this before Kirk :)

    Take care.

  4. definitely gotta try this one!

  5. Rowena, you can be like V and add alcohol to your coffee jelly :) hope you like this!

    Take care!


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