Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Yesterday morning we had a big jolt of an earthquake.

It was only a second, but it was scary.

Usually we can hear the earthquakes coming up the road and usually it is a swaying from left to right type, but this one was all of a sudden and an up-down type, kind of like when a plane lands on the runway...

Of course, Satoshi was on the train going to work and didn't feel a thing...

On top of that, it was raining...kind of hard too.

I went to do some errands and when I came back, I noticed this...

Apparently it fell off of the ceiling above the stairs near our apartment...eep!

It looks a bit rusty so it probably fell off with the rain and shaking...

I called the building management and within an hour or so, someone called to reconfirm.

They'll be sending someone to check it out soon.

I'm glad they are acting on this and hope they will be able to fix the area soon.

Krazy weather going on here, huge earthquake in Yamagata & Niigata...AND Kansai (West Japan) still hasn't started their rainy season!

Without the rain, veggie prices are gonna skyrocket...

Hope the weather is nicer on your side of the world.


  1. that sounds so scary! I have felt and heard the rolling kind and that was uncomfortable but to have a big sudden jolt!
    right now we are forecast for possible thundershowers and flash floods and it has been raining from morning, though not too hard.
    the heat and humidity was awful these past few days. hope it cools off a little when you come

  2. V, I hope it will cool down before I get there too!

    Take care!

  3. totally crazy, kooky weather this summer!

  4. Rowena, hoping the hail in your area has stopped!

    Take care.

  5. Totally scary Kirk!

    Take care.


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