Friday, July 05, 2019

happy 4th

It's the 4th of July here in the States.

Thought I should tell you what I've been up to...

I haven't touched anything to purge (yet), have been getting acclimated to the time difference.

I did visit my Dad and my Mom on Monday at their respective resting places.

And a day before, we had dinner at my Aunty M1's...all sorts of delicious foods.

Including Holy Bakery's peach pie and lychee (first photo).

Visited with Aunty V and she was kind to share with us some of the "gold" (mangoes) she had as well as a delicious harusame salad that she made.

Salads have been perfect food these days, it is blazing (and kind of humid) in Hawaii!

I went to Down to Earth a couple of times for their salad bar...bummed that they don't have avocado in their line-up at Pearlridge, but did try some new (to me) items like their spicy noodle salad and purple sweet potato salad.

As always, love their curry quinoa salad and beets.

And because it is so hot, I bought some ice cream & gelato from Target.

Talenti's new layers series...Peanut Butter Vanilla Fudge and Haagen Dazs' new Spirits series...Stout!

Both are so good!

Hope to put a scoop of the stout into a cup of stout!

And then I went back to Target and bought another new (to me) flavor...Coconut Almond Chocolate, if you love coconut, almonds & chocolate (like I do) this is definitely a must!

Hope all is well where you are and if you are celebrating the 4th, be safe, have fun and hope it is delicious!


  1. how did you like that peach/litchi combo in the pie? I have to use up a couple cans of lychee in the pantry, and something desserty sounds good.

  2. Rowena, sorry I must've written it confusingly, there was only peach in the pie. My family often put lychee in their almond float, that might be something you might want to make and it is perfect for summery desserts.

    Thanks Jalna! see you soon!

    Take care you two.

  3. It's good to see you're catching up on things back home Kat. Too bad your brother wasn't able to make a go of it. Having moved to the mainland, I understand perfectly. Hope the knee is holding up ok.

  4. thanks Kirk :)

    Take care!


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