Saturday, September 28, 2019

we're 14!


Not sure how many readers we still have out there...comments here have dwindled significantly...not sure why the spammers are stronger than ever though.

In a world where everything is based on "instant", if you are still a reader of this blog...Thank you!

Hoping to keep this blog going for a while longer.


  1. I'm still a regular reader! For the last maybe 10 years? I'm in Newtown right now, really close to you! =) -L

  2. Happy blog anniversary Kat!

  3. Wow, 14 years is an amazingly long time to be blogging! I still remember when I discovered your blog when it was easy to go back & read all of your interesting posts. I still look forward to your your pots. Maybe I should “check in” with you by commenting more often. I hope you continue blogging as long as you find it enjoyable. Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog posts faithfully for the past 10 or so years. First time commenting though :)

  5. Happy Blogga-versery Kat! Wow, 14.....ready for high school, huh? ;o)

  6. Happy anniversary!!!! It was the kuri in your hand photo that did it for me!!

  7. Congrats! I'm still reading. I don't comment too often, but always love to hear about good places to eat in Tokyo and Hawaii.

    I've tried a few of your recipes too, and had quite a bit of success with them, so thanks for that :-)

  8. I've been following your blog through Kay's travelers wife blog since meeting Her and Art on tour in 2016. Enjoy your blog, love touring Japan. Keep it going,your blog is part of my morning ritual.
    Congratulations on 14 years of sharing.
    Bonny Bal

  9. Kat, happy anniversary. I still read your blog regularly even though I don't comment much. My son lives in the Senri Chuo area of Toyonaka and goes to Handai - 2nd year now!

  10. Congratulations. So many changes in that time.
    Love your recipes, cultural insights, and travels!

  11. Thank you L!

    Thank you K!

    Thank you Anon!

    Thank you Anon!

    Thank you Kirk :)

    Thank you Jalna!

    Thank you Helen!

    Thank you Bonny Bal!

    Thank you Purple Lady!

    Thank you V!

    Take care everyone.

  12. Congrats on 14 years. I enjoying reading about your life in Japan & Hawaii. Please continue blogging! Signed, IG @kabocha808

  13. Thank you Kabocha808!

    Take care.

  14. happy 14th! and I'll always be a regular reader, when I can find some time out of the day or week to connect more than a few minutes. insta is fun but a lot of times the feed gets clogged with so many posts that I kinda lose track and then the app crashes on my old tablet. with blogs, it is always there ^-^

  15. Thank you Rowena, you are one of my first blog friends :)

    Take care!


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