Monday, October 28, 2019


Friday, Japan got hit with more rain from a typhoon that was passing to the right of us, so much more damage and flooding in areas that were already trying to recover...hoping with November coming up that typhoon season will truly be over.

On to today's post...

Sometimes our labels for fruits and vegetables have these QR codes...

I circled it in green and have an arrow pointing to it. (the other arrow is the farmer's and member number)

When you open the link from the QR code (which didn't work), it should take you to the Japan Agriculture (JA) site and show you the person who grew these ichijiku (figs).

Sometimes the labels do not have the QR code, just the picture of the person who grew the fruit/veg.

I think it is a nice way to "see" and appreciate the person who grew the fruits and veggies we eat.

Do the veggies/fruit you buy have these types of labels where you live?


  1. I hope the weather calms down soon!

  2. Those are pretty cool, giving you an idea of where your food came from.
    Nice to know.

  3. me too K!

    it really is OzBurger, thanks for stopping by!

    Take care you two.

  4. what a great idea; nothing like that here so far.

  5. That would be neat if your area started doing this Rowena!

    Jalna, it is yeah?!

    Take care you two.

  6. That's really cool Kat. I wish we had that here.

  7. Kirk, hopefully they have these in SD soon :)

    Take care!


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