Wednesday, October 02, 2019


Just a heads up for those of you who come to Japan to shop.

At the 100 yen stores, food items are 8%..."things" are 10%.

When I went to the 100 yen store today, I bought some spacers for my shoe cabinet...these were 10% tax.

I also bought some ume candy...these were 8% tax.

Also, if you use your credit card at the convenience store, there is a little "discount" (I think 2%) off your bill.

Not sure how long this discount will be given though.

Just somethings to keep in mind when you shop here.


  1. I wonder if those tax free counters upped their refunds to 10%. Might all be moot because they just announced a strike vote for HA for 11/20. Day before I leave. I wonder if they do strike, how long it would take to actually walk off the job or worse yet, (not really!:)) stuck in Japan. ahhh, too far away to really worry now.

  2. V, wow strike?! keep me posted. If you get stuck in Japan, you can always camp out with us...

    Take care!

  3. Wow, 10%.....we're are %7.75 here in San Diego.

  4. V going back? Jealous. Didn't know about HA strike too.

  5. That is quite high Kirk!

    Hope you can come back to Japan too Jalna!

    Take care you two.


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