Monday, November 11, 2019

kondo tofu

Bought some items from Kondo Tofu the other day...Oboro tofu (round container)...250 yen, a cup of freshly pressed soy milk...140 yen and 1 piece of aburaage...90 yen.

Everything was so cheap and delicious!

The cup of freshly pressed soy milk was their last one for the day, was glad to be able to try it! definitely different from the soy milk the markets sell.

The oboro tofu was so huge that I made two batches of kim chee miso soup (recipe below).

For the soup, super easy recipe (for 2 servings)
300 milliliters water
2 teaspoons miso
25 grams kim chee
1/2 oboro tofu (about 150 grams)

In two bowls, put a teaspoon miso in each
In a pot, heat the water and put the tofu in to heat
Divide the heated water between the two bowls and mix to dissolve the miso
Divide the tofu between the two bowls.
Top with kim chee.

NOTES: you could substitute dashi (stock) in place of the water, but since I didn't make dashi ahead of time, I just used water and it still had a lot of flavor.

The weather is getting cooler, some areas of Japan already have snow.

Hope the weather is nice where you are.


  1. love your food shopping scores!

  2. That's totally my kind of recipe!!

  3. Thanks Rowena!

    fast and easy is my kind of cooking Jalna :)

    Take care you two.


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