Wednesday, November 20, 2019


About this time of year, you will see "shinmai" in the stores.

Shimai is literally "new rice" and means that the new harvest of rice are being sold.

These days we go through 5 pound (about 2.0 kilos) bags of rice quickly because I have been making bento for Satoshi's weekday lunches.

Some "brands" of rice are pricey ($12-15 (maybe higher?!)) but I almost always try to look for the ones that sell for about $10.

With the typhoon in October, a lot of newly harvested rice was damaged.

The news had said that they didn't know if could be used because it sat in flood waters...sad that they might need to throw it all out.

I know not everyone eats rice, but if you do, I hope you'll get a chance to try "shinmai" where you are.


  1. oh that would be a big shame if the rice ends up being tossed out. crazy weather, I wonder what it'll be like in the next couple of months.

  2. We cook so little rice in my house lately that our last bag got buggy. Since then I've been storing ours in the 'fridge.

  3. hoping you guys get some sun soon, Rowena!

    that is good you have it in the fridge Jalna!

    Take care you two.

  4. We usually get a small bag of "new crop" rice every year Kat.....we just don't eat that much rice anymore.

  5. at least you still eat it sometimes Kirk :)

    Take care.


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