Friday, December 27, 2019


Satoshi's last bento for 2019.

For the next week I am looking forward to waking up a little later...

Am also trying to clean out our fridge for the time we are away, so I bought this fried squid and salad for Satoshi's bento.

I made the kinpira...

4 days until 2020...are you ready?!


  1. Happy New Year!
    Always amazes me how little Satoshi eats. LOL, I think my norm is more than double that. I guess that's why he is slender and I'm not!
    If you've been seeing weather reports for Hawaii, OMG, yesterday was the weirdest. Almost hurricane winds in the morning then downpours around noon. Could have been worse where I live, at least it wasn't windy and rainy. Even had lightning and thunder, fortunately no power outage where I live, but several blackouts lasting couple of seconds enough reset all the clocks and to take out our tv. Today, bright and sunny (read that hot!)
    Trying to get up energy to make some kuromame and maybe I'll get some kazunoko too.
    Take care and wishing you best for coming year!

  2. ご無沙汰しています!クリスマスにラインを送ったのですが、携帯機種変更したんですね。


  3. V, I saw several of my aunties posts on IG, krazy weather! glad you didn't lose power though.

    Tomomi, クリスマスメッセージ見えなくて、ごめんなさい、よかったらLINEの友達になってください。

    Take care you two!

  4. That bento looks good . . . my kind of food. Happy Holidays to you and Satoshi!

  5. Hope you have a fantastic New Year Kat!

  6. I bet it'll be nice to wake up a little later next week - 5:30am, yikes!!

  7. Thanks Jalna :)

    you too Kirk :)

    indeed Rowena :)

    Take care everyone.


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