Tuesday, January 14, 2020

family sunday

Sunday, Satoshi had plans, so I spent the day with my Aunty and cousins and went to Kamakura.

The last time I was in Kamakura was pre-blog, maybe 15 years ago?!

Now that we live in Tokyo, it is only about an hour to Kamakura by train.

We started out at the Kotoku-in Temple where the Great Buddha is.

Have you been inside the Great Buddha?

I don't remember going in the first time I visited, so we each paid the 20 yen fee and went inside.

Amazing to see the construction details...can you believe this was made over 750 years ago?!

Then we went down the street to Hasedera (Hase Temple).

The property is HUGE with beautiful hydrangea dotting the hillside (called Prospect Path) above the temple during the summer.

Don't forget to check out Bentenkutsu Cave...you have to crouch a little to make your way through the cave to give prayers to Benzaiten, goddess of things that flow (like water and music) and where Kobo Daishi, a saint, is said to have practiced in seclusion.

From Hasedera we walked back to the Kamakura station area in search of lunch.

It was about 11:30 and there were lines in front of many shops...we popped into Ambigram since there was no line.

This shop's lunch menu is various galette...crepes made from buckwheat flour.

Our lunch started off with some corn potage (corn soup) and foccacia with lots of butter.

Cousin D and I tried their épinard (spinach in French)...while Aunty and cousin P tried their printanière which was topped with a salad.

Everything was delicious, the crepe a little crispy on the edges.

Everyone's lunch came with a cake from the showcase....

I tried the Alexander...a pistachio mousse with strawberry and raspberry mousse topped with some coconut frosting "puffs"....mmm!

And then we walked to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu to check out the peonies.

Beautiful but most looked like they had reached their peak and were fully bloomed.

It was overcast for most of the day and cold, but we got to see and do all that they wanted so I think they enjoyed themselves.

They are heading back home today, it was nice catching up and spending time with them.

7-7 Onarimachi
Kamakura, Kanagawa
Phone: 0467.25.0327
Closed Wednesdays
Hours: 11:00-20:00


  1. I'm thinking of Bretagne now that I've seen that delicious galette!

  2. Last time I went to Kamakura, we hiked a trail behind the Great Buddha and got lost. A woman pointed us in the wrong direction at a fork in the trail because all signs were in handwritten Japanese that my google translate couldn't read. I still think it was an nice experience, looking around wherever we were.
    Beautiful peonies. I would like to see the hydrangea one day.

  3. We really enjoy Kamakura Kat! Nice photos....lovely flowers!

  4. Rowena, ooh yeah with the salted caramel on them!

    I hope to go back during hydrangea season V! there is another temple known for their hydrangea too.

    We hope to get back soon Kirk :)

    Take care everyone!


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