Friday, January 31, 2020

oh em gee

Mother Nature has been slamming us around dropping the temps to fahreezing rain one day...blazing the next.

Because it was so warm, I tried Who's Tea Japan's chocolate milk tea boba the other day.

I loved it, you could still taste the tea without the chocolate overpowering everything.

On the other hand, look how teeny the patty was in my teriyaki burger at Burger King.

Where's the beef?!

So...there are 15 confirmed with this corona virus thingy in Japan...

There were 2 who came back from Wuhan and REFUSED to be checked and went home! (gasp!)

After much bashing from the media (and the fact that there were 2 others in the same group that came back from Wuhan that had the virus without showing any symptoms)...the 2 that went without being checked now want to be checked out...grr!

I was hoping that Japan would have closed the country to those from China before their Chinese New Year holiday (I was also hoping that China would stop their residents from travel too)...but that didn't happen...

So now, I am hoping the Japanese government will be able to control this from getting too krazy...stay safe everyone.

Have a nice weekend.

Who's Tea Japan (2021: no longer in business)
Tokyu Plaza Kamata 1F
Ota, Tokyo
Phone: 03.6424.7957
Hours: 10:00-21:00
Open when Tokyu Plaza is


  1. That sucks about the coronavirus in Japan! I'm in Massachusetts and so far there is one confirmed case. Several in New Hampshire. My husband is an infectious disease physician so he's on top of it. Scary. I don't think people realize how small the world is these days.

  2. it really is small Steph!

    Take care!

  3. The Coronavirus thing is getting crazy Kat! Hopefully, the treatment being done in Thailand will help to remedy those who are ill.

  4. My brother and his family are going to Japan next month. I'm considering not going this year.

  5. Hoping they can get some kind of vaccination for this Kirk.

    Ah, totally understandable Jalna!

    Take care you two.

  6. crazy times, crazy times man....


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