Friday, January 17, 2020

setagaya boroichi

I've been wanting to check out the Setagaya Boroichi for awhile now and finally got to do so yesterday.

From where we live it took me about an hour (and three transfers) to get to Setagaya.

Since it was a weekday, it wasn't krazy crowded (though I did get banged around by older ladies not paying attention where they were walking!)

This boroichi (literally rag market...flea market) has been around since 1578!

It is held every December 15th & 16th and January 15th and 16th from 9:00-20:00.

It used to be a place where fabrics were traded but these days it is more like a flea market where there are vendors selling old and new things.

The specialty of the market is the Daikanmochi.

The line can be short or very long.

I overheard a man telling another man that at last month's boroichi, the line for mochi was a 5 hour wait!

Thank goodness I only had to wait an hour...still, it was fahreezing, but I guess it is better than it being gross humid (or raining)....

You could choose between 3 types...karami mochi, anko (sweet bean paste) and kinako (soy bean powder).

I purchased the karami mochi (karami means spicy), because it was something I don't see too often.

The mochi is covered with a "spicy" grated daikon, a little shoyu, nori, some chili and katsuobushi (shaved bonito).

We had this for dinner with some veggies.

Before heading home, I picked up some nikuman from Lu Gang, which makes Taiwan style steamed meat buns.

They do have different flavors, but during the boroichi they were only selling their original meat bun.

I loved how the outside was a little sweet and the pork inside was just that, no fillers.

I am glad I checked out this flea market and look forward to going back to Lu Gang.

Have a nice weekend.

Lu Gang
3-1-12 Setagaya
Setagaya, Tokyo
Phone: 03.5799.3031
Hours: 9:00 until sold out
Closed Wednesdays & Thursdays


  1. Not sure that I'd wait one hour for mochi Kat.... I guess I'm not that dedicated. Nice looking steamed bun!

  2. December 15 and 16 sounds a little less cold than January. I'll keep this in mind if I decide on a winter Japan trip! So enticing.

  3. Ooooh, totally my kind of thing. I think I would've had to get all three types of mochi.

  4. I wasn't too dedicated either Kirk, but since I stood in line, I figured I should buy something :)

    V, if these days land on a weekend be prepared for it to be krazy crowded :)

    Jalna, I was tempted until I saw that each package was 700 yen...

    Take care everyone.

  5. did they even explain why chicken stood in for pig in the 1st course?

  6. Rowena, I have a feeling when they printed the menu they cut and paste the wrong English description.

    Take care!


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