Friday, January 10, 2020

shinshun tamago

Recently these eggs at the market were on sale.

Shinshun means new year. Tamago is egg.

It was wild because they packed brown eggs which are often called "red" with white eggs for a "festive" effect...

Our eggs only come as 10s...which I think is a metric thing.

Eggs are packed in these clear plastic "boxes" that are sealed, so there is no switching out.

When I buy eggs, I just flip the box over to check that none are cracked.

Do you have brown eggs where you live? Do they come as 12 or 10?

Have a nice weekend.


  1. oooooooh! I know I should've gotten that fancy box of eggs that they were selling during xmas time. I think it was 10 eggs for 4€ but each one of them was different (from a variety of breeds). I remember the colors being all kinds of shades...afff, I'll look again; maybe they're still there.

  2. I wonder if our Japanese stores(Nijiya, Marukai) did something like this. Neat idea.

  3. I never even thought that people might switch out eggs. I feel guilty if I just break off two bananas from a bunch. But that's allowed, no?

  4. ooh cool if you had blue eggs Rowena :)

    interesting to see if they did V!

    lol Jalna :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. We get eggs by the dozen here Kat....of course you knew that. We buy brown eggs; but have a friend who raises chickens, so when they give us eggs we'll have eggs with different shades of brown and blue. They have different breeds of chickens; each lays eggs of different color.

  6. I think it is so cool at how different breed lay different color eggs Kirk :)

    Take care.


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