Thursday, February 27, 2020

bad and good

I don't know about you, but usually I'm kind of clutzy.

Last week, I was having a bad hands were really dry and I broke this dish...actually saw it slip out of my hand and fall in "slow motion"...

And then after I washed Satoshi's thermos, I forgot to put this rubber thingy back on...well, it leaked before I got a chance text him about it...oops!

(at least it was tea and not soup)

while peeling potatoes, I broke the potato eye cleaner thingy...

Oh and one of my laundry pins "flew" out of my hand and down to the street (hoping it didn't hit anyone!)

So that was the's the good...

blood oranges! I'm glad I bought two bags...though I haven't seen more at the market after that.

And I loved how this purple carrot was actually orange in the center, kind of like a sunrise/sunset!

There are all sorts of events being cancelled here to avoid crowds forming. Some companies have asked their staff to work from home to prevent crowding on the trains.

I think this virus gives Japan a chance to look at their work ethic practices...if you feel like you are coming down with something or are already sniffling or coughing...instead of going to work, stay home!

Almost the end of the week, hope your week is going well.


  1. sorry you had "one of those weeks"
    Whenever my mom would go to Japan, she would bring back vegetable peelers and say, Japan peelers are the best. So I got a bunch of them (more like cheap omiyage, LOL)
    One of these days Ill have to try blood oranges on their own. I've had them at restaurants in salads, etc but can't really remember the taste. And, lately, I've been seeing those colorful carrots around, even at Costco!
    Whole Foods still has dekopon on sale for $2.99/lb.
    When I went to Queens yesterday, they take your temperature and give you a sticker saying you're good for the day. Lots of people here have the flu, don't know if it's all the same strain because some are down for couple weeks others just a few days.
    Will Satoshi be able to work from home? We're getting a lot of ads on tv and such about preparing for the coronavirus, like stocking up supplies like for a hurricane. Starting to make me feel leery about being outside and touching surfaces or being in elevators with people, even if they aren't coughing or looking sick.
    Take care!

  2. Thank you for sharing "the bad and the good"... I can totally relate to your day!
    And there's so much going on in this world right now. Take very good care (your husband, too).
    Best, SC reader

  3. V, I love the blade of that peeler so haven't thrown it out yet...blood orange peels have a different fragrance than regular oranges, kind of fruity a little heady. I hope you get a chance to try them. I think if you treat this virus like the flu and wash your hands well, stay away from crowds, you should be safe.

    Thank you SC reader, you take care too!

    Take care you two.

  4. Be careful and don't hurt yourself!

  5. I'll spare you the orange joke....;) but anyway, I'm clutzy in that I bump into things a lot (bedframe corner, table corner) so I get stupid bruises, plus, when the dogs suddenly get in my way while I'm walking, that's another accident waiting to happen.

  6. Thanks Kirk :)

    I get those bruises too Rowena...

    Take care you two.


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