Thursday, February 06, 2020

boulange d316

Tried out a new (to me) bakery Boulange D316.

From where we live it is about a 30 minute walk.

The shop isn't very big and they had quite a selection of items.

I tried their Keema...a thin "pizza" topped with keema curry and veggies.

I love trying anything with curry.

The curry wasn't spicy and I enjoyed all the veggies.

I also tried their chocolate filled salt bread.

The salt bread was chewy, buttery and had a nice balance of sweet and salty.

A nice thing about this shop is that they open at 7:30...I am jealous of the people that live above this shop.

I'll be back.

Boulange D316
3-16-19 Shimomaruko
Ota, Tokyo
Phone: 03.3756.7757
Closed Sundays
Hours: 7:30-18:30


  1. LOL, you should check out the people above the shop. Are the debu? fresh baked bread aromas are the hardest to resist and never get tired of. We lived in Waimalu for several years when Holsum Bakery was close and it was heaven!

  2. I would be in trouble if I lived above a bakery and wine shop.

  3. I'm not sure about living above any food shop first it's probably great; but after a while....... It looks quite good thoguh.

  4. They were Jalna!

    lol I don't know if they are debu, V!

    yeah that would be trouble Rowena!

    lol Kirk, you might be right :)

    Take care everyone.


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