Wednesday, March 04, 2020

5 minutes

The other morning, I tried putting canned sanma (saury) in the fish grill drawer.

It only takes about 5 minutes (on high) to heat the fish up.

You just have to watch it though, some of the sauce started to pop and splash.

And don't put the cans right next together on the grill or you'll have a hard time getting them out of the drawer, trust me...

The fish gets a little grilled "crust" on good!

Love the retro picture on the can.

I think we'll be having fish this way often.


  1. looks like you could make hitsumabushi except with sanma instead of unagi!

  2. I was amazed about your fish grill drawer thing when you first mentioned it on your blog. Funny about two stuck cans. I can just imagine you trying to take them out. LOL.

  3. my microwave has a grill function, so next time I buy tinned mackerel I'll have to see how much it crisps up in the micro.

  4. ooh yeah V...I have not seen canned unagi here...

    no Jalna they were not stuck together, I just had a hard time getting my pot holder in between the cans to take the can off of the hot grill :)

    hope it works for your Rowena :) I'm gonna try with oil sardines and add garlic to make ajillo :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. Hahahaha. I see. Even funnier now in my imagination.

  6. that fish drawer seems to be working well Kat!

  7. The ones I bought from Nijiya were $2.49 which is not bad for here. I sometimes buy the saba misoni from either Donki or Marukai for about the same price. Still hoping to find the shoyu/shoga flavor I found in Japan one day.

  8. Thanks Kirk :)

    V, you might have to look for ajitsuke to get the shoyu/shoga flavors.

    Take care you two.

  9. thanks! I've seen the ajitsuke ones but didn't realize it would have the shoga flavor too. Coulda have sworn I tried to read the ingredients and didn't see ginger.
    I'll look!!

  10. V, some of the ajitsuke types may have shoga in it to kill the fishy-ness :)

    Take care!


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