Thursday, March 26, 2020


On our way to Kyoto, we stopped off at Hikone to visit MIL's family grave.

We saw this huge, beautiful succulent plant.

And these delicate glass hinamatsuri (girl's day) figurines and sakura tree.

Every time we go to Hikone we pass by Pomme d'Amour, a tiny bakery with a cafe and terrace area.

I guess we go so early in the morning to visit the family grave that this bakery is never open.

We finally tried some of their baked items.

The chausson aux pommes (apple pie) was so flaky and delicious!

Satoshi had their ham baguette.

The chocolate banana danish was different but delicious!

And their sesame onion loaf was delicious toasted.

I'm glad we got to try their baked goods and we'll be back whenever we are in Hikone.

Pomme d'Amour
2-8 Tachibana-cho
Hikone, Shiga
Phone: 0749.21.3515
Closed Tuesdays
Hours: 9:00-19:00


  1. no matter how stuffed I am after lunch, whenever you post pictures of your breakfast and especially baed goods, I WANT!

  2. the baked goods are almost always good in Japan, V :)

    Take care.

  3. that apple pie and choco-banana danish - just awesome ^-^

  4. it was Kirk :)

    love that they use butter!! in all their baked goods Rowena :)

    Take care you two.


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