Wednesday, May 13, 2020

how are you?

Have to apologize in advance, Blogger changed how I create a post, so if this looks weird it is because I haven't figured everything out yet... 

How was your week?

We are doing okay...

Wednesday my grocery shopping day...the market that I like to go to was taking a break and would be!

Luckily, we have several other markets nearby, so I went to check one of them out.

I didn't know this but many other markets have been limiting the amount of natto that you can purchase, guess there were people who were stockpiling it?!

We tried Tajin on pineapple for the first time...I had bought a small bottle when I was in Hawaii last summer to try...hope to try it on other fruits this summer...if you've tried Tajin, please tell me in the comments how you use it.

Wednesday night, we had a thunder and lighting show...for 4 hours straight...eep! 

If you'd like to see a portion of it, here is a link to a short video that I shot.
Thursday was the full moon called "Flower Moon" was huge, a little orange-pink...amazing. 

Saturday night, we had iwashi (sardines) that was canned in a tomato sauce. 

Since the can had garlic and other seasonings noted on the label, I figured it would taste "Italian-ish" and added some parmesan cheese and bread crumbs before cooking it under the fish grill. 

This particular brand didn't have as much fish in the can as the others we have tried and it was tasty. 

I would definitely buy this again but take it out of the can and cook it with some sliced onions and a little more garlic...maybe put it on pasta or on baguette.

Sunday, we had a virtual birthday party for my cousin D.

Love technology!

It was nice to facetime with family in Hawaii, Oregon and Missouri....everyone (except us)  had brought their own cakes!

So...after our facetime, Satoshi and I went to get some cake from Enomoto, a cake and cafe near our train station that has been in business since 1922!, and I also took out our Wedgewood coffee cups!

Okinawa and other areas have started rainy season...early yeah?!

Monday, the temps went up to 29C (86F)?!

It is already quite uncomfortable wearing a mask and it will be nasty when humidity is added to the picture...ugh!

I have been using things in my freezer and these dried cherries, dried blueberries and mac nuts.

And just like that another week has gone by....

What have you been eating? doing?

Have a good week.


  1. Glad to hear you guys are doing ok.

    I sprinkle Tajin on fish and chicken then grill, and it's good on apples and grapefruits too. I was thinking as the rim of a margarita or lemonade might be good too. A friend gave me something called Everything but the Elote, a spice from Trade Joe's. I think the only
    difference is TJ's has a little cheese in it but the taste is very similar. Supposedly in Mexico corn of the cob is called elote and they slather mayonnaise (?!?!) and liberally sprinkle the seasoning on, then grill the corn. I tried it and it is good. Supposed to be a popular street food in Mexico.

    A lot of the restaurants here that usually used to open only for dinner do a take out menu from about lunchtime to evening. Even though I haven't tried (too) many since they are still expensive for daily meals, places like yakiyaki miwa (okonomiyaki)and other izakaya are on my to try list. Even Tonkatsu Tamafuji in Kapahulu! They are so cute, they advertised that although it is best quality eaten in their restaurant, they tried to find best bento box to suit the tonkatsu. Interesting that all the ramen places that wouldn't do take out before all do it now.

    It's been mid 80's here too but humidity isn't bad YET and it is uncomfortable to wear a mask for long, and it is so hard to understand people talking since they muffle the speech.
    Gaaah, minimun of 2 weeks more and they might even extend more! Please open hair salons!!!!

  2. wow big update post! so how was the tajin and pineapple? i keep hearing about tajin and saw it in the store but didn't buy it.

  3. Tajin is good on anything sweet; balancing the flavors's also great on the rim of a glass of Michelada or even a Paloma. Hope all is well Kat!

  4. I saw you had the TJ elote spice V, I tried the elote fries at La Tour which was delicious...and yes! hope they open hair salons soon!

    I liked the tajin on pineapple Jenny, tajin is kinda spicy with a touch of lime and salt! if you find the teeny bottle like I did (at times), you should get that one to try :)

    Thanks for telling me Kirk :) your drinks sound delicious too!

    Take care everyone.

  5. blogger changed? oh oh, I better check it out. we are fine, I suppose, even if it actually seems more chaotic now that the government is trying to make things work for everyone. still too many people out of work, businesses unable to open, or companies not in full operation. this whole year is def down the toilet.

  6. It was totally frustrating me so I changed my view back to the old Blogger Rowena...I hope I can get back to Hawaii this year, need to renew my drivers license :p Glad you guys are doing well!

    Take care!

  7. Are me and Jenny the only ones who haven't tried that Tajin yet? Sounds interesting. Funny about the natto hoarding. You never know, yah. Watercolor paints are getting expensive . . . maybe factories are shut down. My sister said baking supplies have run out. Wendell's worried about meat even though our freezer is stockpiled full. My hair is sad and limpy, but that's been the norm since it started thinning. Now I got excuse. My Blogger seems the same, but I never did switch to the new and improved version so maybe that's why. Keep on staying safe, Kat!

  8. no worry Jalna, we hadn't tried Tajin until that day...if you see a teeny bottle (at Times) get one to try :) I think there are a lot of things not being imported/exported from China these days...sigh. Hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe.

    Take care.

  9. Here people have been hoarding toilet paper and paper towels! Now the stores limit what you can buy. I've also been ordering a lot of things online. It takes longer than usual but eventually comes. People also were buying up all the baking supplies. Not me though, I really don't bake much. It's funny because when I first got into cooking as a teenager I began with bread and pies. I hope you're well and that Tokyo gets 'unlocked' soon!

  10. Ooh! I meant to tell you that we've so far had 2 virtual birthday 'parties', for myself and my daughter...we also had a quarantine anniversary, a virtual Easter and a virtual Mother's Day. And we are blasting into summer too this week starting Tuesday I think.
    People have been having birthday parades, where all friends and family drive by their home with balloons and noisemakers and leave presents (or throw them!). One of my sons friends turned 10 and they went all out! Somehow they got police cars and firetrucks to lead the parade! It was insane. Like 50 cars. We have had to get creative. Be well!

  11. I think they have limits on the toilet papers and other paper items here too, Steph. I'm glad you got to celebrate even though it wasn't what you envisioned.

    Take care!


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