Friday, June 19, 2020

the little things

Yesterday, I got my hair colored...yeah!

It was nice to be out and about, even if I had to wear a mask.

At the entrance of the department store, they ask you to use alcohol sanitizer.

At almost every shop entrance, there was alcohol sanitizer.

When coloring my hair, I had to take off my mask, but the person coloring my hair always wore a mask.

This is what my view at dinner was Wednesday night...

"Someone's" home office has taken up 3/4 of the dining room table...papers here and there...sigh

(a little late to the game, I thought to raise the computer up by using a box, so someone's neck wouldn't get stiff)

Again, I'm glad we got a bigger table so that at least I can eat "at the table" (even if it is a small corner of the table).

Also glad this work at home thing is only once a month for a week.

Have a nice weekend.


  1. LOL, kind of weird how everything changes, even a trip to the salon. I think my stylist was a on a bit of a re-learning curve, both of us having to wear a mask, and sometimes I had to hold the mask to my face because she needed to get around my ears. 06/09 was my first appt since 02/29. I actually had to trim some long strays when I got home which had never happened before. I also kind of like how the salon had rods with shower curtains hanging between stations.
    Yup, sore back and sore neck from trying to hunch over laptops. If this goes on for longer, might be worth buying an adjustable stand.

  2. Great you were able to get your hair colored, Kat! Los Angeles County has reopened but the salon that I always go to has not...last appointment was end of January so my head is practically all white. Either way, I still don't yet have the courage to go out with local cases increasing.
    Take good care. Thank you for your lovely blog;always a joy to read!
    SC reader

  3. V, he stopped using the box...oh wella...

    Thank you SC reader, I hope your salon will open up in the coming weeks and the amount of cases in your area will decrease.

    Take care you two.

  4. My hair is a fright. Cute your photo with Satoshi's hand exposed.

  5. ROTFLMAO! He's just as bad as MOtH! No, MotH is worse, because he will grab a snack whenever he feels like, bring it to the table and eat and work at the same time. Crumbs all over the table. Grrrrr... You lucky, once a month. Me, twice a week unless it's his turn to man the office.

  6. thanks Jalna :)

    crossing fingers once a month for a week Rowena, they may change his schedule...

    Take care you two.

  7. Glad you were able to get your hair appointment done Kat!

  8. Yay! Glad you got your hair done, Kat! I did too, and I kept my mask on the entire time. It was fine. Tomorrow my 8 year old daughter gets her hair trimmed. Hope you are well. These are tough times! My poor husband and kids are going a little crazy being stuck at home. Hope - really hope - things return to somewhat normal sometime soon. Massachusetts has had steady improvement in numbers, probably because we've been careful in 're-opening'. Hoping this trend continues. Best to you and your family.

  9. (Also, my stylist prepared me with root touch-up kits for the duration of the closure, so while I'm not the best at doing my own hair I did ok!)

  10. Thanks Kirk, I am glad I was able to too :)

    Hope your area will get to somewhat normal too Steph, please stay safe and take care :)

    Take care you two.


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