Monday, June 08, 2020

suzunari farm

I ordered another veggie box from Tabechoku.

This time from Suzunari Farm, which is located on the Miura Penninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture.

It came with colorful carrots, leek, turnip, potatoes.
A beet, onion, red daikon, purple daikon, and basil.
I made some watermelon salad with part of the basil. 

Since I couldn't get feta cheese, I used mozzarella. 

I think I prefer feta for the salty bites.
For dinner I made some reishabu, which you blanch thin slices of pork in hot water then stop the cooking by putting it into cold water. 

The farm suggested that you make a leek sauce with their leeks. 

Instead of soaking the leeks in the sauce, I made the sauce and then topped the pork with the leeks and drizzled some of the sauce.

Here is the recipe for the leek sauce from Suzunari Farm.

120 cc vinegar
100 cc shoyu (soy sauce)
60 grams sugar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons white sesame seeds
leeks, cleaned and thinly sliced

Mix sauce and add leeks.
Use over reishabu,  karaage (fried chicken) or even cold tofu.

NOTES: I didn't add the leeks to the sauce, but just drizzled the sauce and threw on some leeks onto the reishabu.

I think this sauce could be used as a dressing for somen salad or any salad for that matter.

Since I knew we wouldn't be able to eat everything in a timely manner, I blanched and froze half of the purple daikon and red daikon.

I'll use it to make cold soups during the summer.

I made some pickles using the beet, turnip, red daikon and purple daikon with the recipe came with the veggies.

This pickle recipe doesn't have salt in it, so we'll need to eat these up quickly.

Here is the recipe for the pickles.

Veggies, cleaned and sliced
120 cc water
180cc vinegar
3 or 4 tablespoons sugar
Bring pickling liquid ingredients to a boil and make sure the sugar melts.
Cool the pickling liquid.
Pour over veggies.

NOTES: these pickles do not last long, so don't be like me and make a lot at once.  

For the amounts I made (1 beet, 1 turnip, half the red daikon and half the purple daikon), I used 2 times the pickling liquid recipe.

I only put 3 tablespoons sugar and liked how puckery this was.

With part of a leek I made an omelette for breakfast and topped it with a little okonomiyaki sauce.

I made each pickles of the root veggies separately to keep the colors from bleeding into each the different pinks!
For dinner Thursday night, I  baked potato with the kitaakari (a type of potato) in the fish grill drawer.

Wash the potato well, and cut into 4 without cutting all the way through.

Wrap in foil and put into the fish grill drawer on high for 10 minutes.

Turn the heat down to low and cook for 20 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let sit in the fish grill drawer for 15 minutes.

I drizzled some shoyu (soy sauce) and put a dollop of butter.

It took some time but this was so good!

It's been ages since I've had baked potato.

I washed part of the carrot greens and froze them to make pesto with it at a later date.

I also washed and froze the beet greens to use at a later date.

I grilled the white part of the leeks in the fish grill drawer and with ate this with some Murray River pink salt flakes.

I bought some fried squid and drizzled more leek sauce and topped with leeks.

We ate the colorful carrots as crunchy and sweet!

It was fun to see so much color over the past couple of days.

The humidity is up and weather kind of wonky.

Not sure when our rainy season will start, but we've been laying low.

Satoshi's first week was rather short because he had his birthday and Friday off.

He said the trains are rather packed for parts of his commute.

Since he works in travel, he is hoping business will pick up, though realistically he knows that it will take some time.

Have a nice week.


  1. can't begin to tell you how impressive all your uses for the veggies you got! truly awesome!
    I didn't even know that daikon could be frozen. I just wrap my left over with a paper towel and saran wrap and pray :) It does last a lot longer. Also make gattugi, that korean daikon kimchi, and when it goes sour, make kimchi soup.

    Hope the crowded commute doesn't stress Satoshi out too much. Even here, it's kind of uncomfortable whenever you pass someone on the sidewalk or in the store. Guess we got brainwashed already, but can't imagine how bad it would be on a crowded train. Hope Satoshi washes his hands a lot.

    I just read about some companies designing a face mask that is cool for the coming summer. Wonder if it really works. It was kind of pricey, around 1500 - 2300yen

    Take care!

  2. Wow, Kat, everything looks so good!!

  3. V, thank goodness for the internet, it said to blanch the daikon, then freeze, I figure since I am going to use it in soup, no matter if it is a little soft.

    Thanks Jalna!

    Take care you two.

  4. Very nice the color of that daikon.

  5. The purple and pink are nice, Kirk :)

    Take care!

  6. Oh, the leek sauce/ pork sounds really good. Could you please translate to American measurements. One wrong calculation by me and yikes! Thanks.

  7. Li,
    120 cc vinegar = about 3/4 cup
    100 cc shoyu (soy sauce) = about 1/2 cup
    60 grams sugar - about 4.5 tablespoons
    1 tablespoon sesame oil
    2 tablespoons white sesame seeds
    Hope this helps.
    Take care.


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