Wednesday, June 24, 2020

this and that

How is everyone holding up?

We are doing fine.

The weather is wonky..days that they forecast to be rainy, turn out to be sunny...the temps are sometimes cool...

Satoshi just got word that they will have pay!

For his company, Japanese domestic travel is a large part of their income.

Still grateful that he still has a job and hope that domestic tourism will pick up so that their pay cuts won't last too long.

Be well everyone.


  1. Things are so hard world wide right now , eh ? I work in tourism in Victoria , BC and things are not looking great here . I have been out of work since March and it is very likely , that I will not work for a while to come ! Luckily my husband is working so we have money coming in .

  2. So scary to be in travel industry, even food and beverage now. I see lots of ads for Japan domestic travel so hope that kicks up. They're really trying to woo the domestic market here too with huge discounts for staycations.
    Weather here is getting hot too, feels like 90 but not unbearable humid yet, but really hard to keep a mask on just walking around. I can't imagine it being any better because everyone is constantly touch their masks to adjust. BTW, are the Abe masks holding up?

  3. schizo weather must be catching -- the weather reports are SO OFF! I checked and it's never exactly what is forecasted, but man has it been 30°+ these past couple of days.

    😞 sorry to hear about Satoshi's work situation. MotH still works only 12-18 hours (2-3 days) a week either at home or at the office, and unemployment insurance won't last forever to make up the difference. I know that if and when he does get let go, that'll mean the company finally went kaput.

  4. My husband was supposed to start work in March, but because of COVID the company suspended hiring, hopefully they will call him soon. :( Take care! Mich

  5. That's terrible Kat....hope its just a temporary thing.

  6. That is awful, Jo, but I am glad that your husband is still working.

    Abe masks are so teeny V, but they are holding up.

    Hoping things get better for MotH's work situation, Rowena.

    I hope that they call him soon Mich.

    We do too Kirk :)

    Take care everyone.


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