Thursday, June 11, 2020


Yesterday, I went to check out the hydrangeas near Honmonji. Afterwards I was walking towards the bakery, I noticed a sign for a hydrangea festival at a temple called Yogenji.
Walk to the back of the temple and climb up the stairs.
Actually, all these beautiful hydrangea surround their cemetery.
It was krazy to climb stairs while wearing a mask.
It was still worth seeing all these beautiful flowers.
We were supposed to start our rainy season last week, but that didn't happen.
We'll see what happens, the weather dude says we (Tokyo) will start our rainy season today...oh and if you want to see a short video of these hydrangea, please click here.


  1. with the blossoms and plants growing into the path, are there bugs or more importantly, SPIDERS??
    So pretty but I'm always on the look out for SPIDERS

  2. no spiders that I know about V...I do remember seeing a HUGE cane spider in my parent's house long ago, never go sleep that night, lol.

    Take care.

  3. My hip hurts just looking at those stairs.

  4. an exterminator once told me that I would see the most spiders because I'm always looking for them. Phobic about them :(
    Growing up in Aiea, cane spiders, then Maunawili, banana spiders. Yeeeech! Talk about not sleeping when you see one and can't kill it. Getting the shivers just think about them now.

  5. aw Jalna, hope your hip feel better soon :)

    ooh never saw banana spiders V, sounds big though...

    Take care you two.

  6. Boy, the Missus would just love those stairs Kat! ;o)

  7. Kirk, the stairs were not so bad, just wearing a mask while climbing them was krazy!

    Take care.


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