Tuesday, July 14, 2020

5 second rule

The other morning as I was cracking an egg for breakfast, the shell cracked so smoothly that it fell with the inside of the egg into the sink...gah!
I then picked up the yolk which was super fresh because it stayed intact.

I then rinsed it and added it to another egg which I scrambled.

I know we are all about anti-bacteria these days, but I couldn't see myself wasting an egg.


  1. I didn't know that freshness of eggs affect the yolk. Wonder why some yolks break and others don't. Main thing you cooked it too!

  2. I have never seen the entire yolk and white contained in the membrane like that....it looks like a super huge litchi!

  3. Definitely had to cook it after it went into the sink V...

    The yolks here are definitely huge Rowena!

    it really was Jalna!

    Take care everyone.

  4. When I worked in restaurants - we'd always use the older eggs for boiled eggs and the fresher eggs for poached as the whites would be "tighter".

  5. that is interesting and good to know Kirk :)

    Take care!


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