Tuesday, July 28, 2020

myogazushi (revised)

Made myogazushi over the weekend.

I started by making myoga amasuzuke...

There was a cooking program that made this and I used the recipe to make some pickled myoga.

Here is the recipe if you want to make your own pickled myoga.

Myoga Amasuzuke : from Kyonoryori
9 pieces myoga (about 150 grams)
1/2 cup vinegar
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon mirin
1 teaspoon salt + couple of pinches

After washing the myoga, split it in half lengthwise.
Make a slit at the stem to allow it to soak up the pickling liquid
Add a couple of pinches of salt and massage lightly, set aside for about 15 minutes.
Heat the vinegar, sugar, water, mirin and salt until the sugar and salt have melted

After the 15 minutes, bring a pot of water to boil and add the salted myoga and blanch for 30 seconds.

Add the warm myoga to the pickling liquid.
Keep in refrigerator until ready to use.

On Sunday, I made the myogazushi without going through all the steps of the recipe that I used before.

For 1 cup of cooked rice, I put 2 tablespoons of the myoga pickling liquid over the hot rice and mixed with a shamoji (rice paddle).

I added a handful of shelled edamame.

1/2 teaspoon of ground sesame seeds

1 tablespoon of pickled ginger, diced

3 myoga amasuzuke, minced

NOTES: Quick and easy.

Love the pink color that the myoga turns when it is pickled.

Will definitely make more myoga amasuzuke and myogazushi as well.


  1. looks so ono. too bad myoga is so expensive here!

  2. ah V, didn't know it was so expensive in Hawaii.

    Take care.

  3. You had a recipe using myoga and eggplant that I tried once. I forget what it was called and tried looking for it in your index to see if anything jogged my memory but couldn't find it. It was all kinds of finely diced veggies that was good over tofu or rice, maybe from Nagano?
    Whenever I see all the different nasu in Donki, I want to try making that again but the nice size myoga is about $1 a piece so cannot waste!

  4. I think the recipe you are talking about is Dashi (Yamagata Style), V...we are super lucky because our myoga is about 150 yen for 3 pieces.

    Take care!

  5. yay, thank you! that's the one.

    Gonna try make it again.

  6. Cool V :)

    Thanks Kirk :)

    Take care you two.

  7. I will have to bookmark this (as mental notes just don't work anymore LOL). I bought a myoga plant last fall and it came back this year (in the original small pot). I haven't gotten any blossoms out of it yet but then I didn't really nurture it either. I think maybe I should pot up to a bigger container next year...if it survives the winter again.

  8. That would be so cool if your plant can give you some myoga, Rowena!

    Take care!


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