Friday, July 10, 2020

natto day

July 10th is Natto Day.

The goroawase (a play on the pronunciation of numbers) for 7 and 10 is "na" and "tow" respectively.

I try to serve natto at least once a week, mostly for breakfast.

Back in June, I served it as part of a soba salad for dinner.

We are nearing the end of rainy season, but the rain doesn't seem like it will stopping anytime soon.

The weather dude said it will probably rain off and on until Sunday!

On the other hand, the nightly news said that it would continue to rain off and on until next Wednesday...sigh.

Hoping all those in the flooded & landslide areas will continue to be safe.

Since June 19th, Japan has opened up, people can go to other prefectures.  

Tonight, they will allow 5000 fans to watch baseball games.

This week Tokyo had 100 confirmed cases for 3 days straight and an alarming 200 yesterday...I am hoping the people in charge have "a plan"...

Have a safe weekend everyone.


  1. if we had natto.....yes I would celebrate!

  2. I wish I liked natto , just can not get over the texture . Never liked any ' slimy " foods ... My Japanese host mum always told my that " slimy foods are good for you "

  3. Hope you will be able to celebrate natto day in the future Rowena :)

    I couldn't get past the smell at first Jo, luckily the brand I tend to buy these days isn't too stinky.

    Take care you two.

  4. I tried really hard to like natto, but unfortunately I just can't do it . . .

  5. I love Natto friends and relatives "back home" always said it was because our family was from Fukushima????

  6. yeah, I didn't like it much in the beginning too Jalna.

    Kanto (East Japan) loves natto Kirk, so that might be why :)

    Take care you two.


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