Thursday, July 16, 2020


We had a nice surprise this week.

My relative, Chiyo-san in Okinawa sent us some mangoes.

I called to thank her and we chatted for a bit.

It has been many years since we visited with her but I still send her nengajo (New Years greeting cards)
She mentioned that since she was sending a box to her grandchildren in Tokyo, she wanted to send us a box too, so nice!

Apparently this variety is called Irwin. 

This mango seems similar to the types we have in Hawaii and is not stringy like the one I had bought a couple years the color!
I hadn't realized this but it was the very first time for Satoshi to eat the flesh off the mango seed by the kitchen sink.

He also wanted me to show him how I cut the mango because he had never seen how it was done before.

I couldn't actually peel the mango like we do in Hawaii, but it was still nice to share some Hawaiian culture with Satoshi.

Thankful for the kindness of family.

Thank you Chiyo-san.


  1. Satoshi, so cute! They look so good! Shape is similar to the type I see in Costco but the color is way nicer.

    I don't know if because of Covid, not too many mangos being shared. Either because not many people venturing out or the season is in a down year so super happy to get the few we get. Almost tempted to buy!

  2. They look so good ! Love mangos , but the ones I can buy in Canada are never really good , not like the ones I used to get when I lived in Australia .

  3. V, last year the mango crops were not too good, so it is probably another bad year...hope you get to eat mango though!

    Jo, the fruit grown in Japan is so good, rarely have I come across anything bad...I hope you will be able to enjoy delicious fruits in Canada :)

    Take care you two.

  4. so ono Jalna!

    indeed Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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