Friday, October 30, 2020

this and that

I've never noticed until I saw these orange orbs yesterday...there is a kaki (persimmon) tree in front of our apartment building!

Gotta find out who planted it and if they will share...

I heard that Hawaii will start accepting tourists from Japan next month...BUT tourists coming back from Hawaii to Japan will still need to quarantine for 14 days! AND we are not allowed to use public transportation once we arrive in Japan...I guess I will continue to wait until Japan softens their quarantine requirement.

Hope you all have a safe weekend especially if you are planning to get together for Halloween.


  1. I'm drooling!

    There is a house a little down the street from my house that has a kaki tree. I asked the woman how it was and she said it has to be very ripe or it's really bitter. Right now, there are a lot of kaki on it.

    My plant seems to be doing well. There is actually a smaller "runt" seedling growing next to it but I don't have much hope for it. I gotta research what the average time it will take to fruit. I hope not 7 years like avocados!

  2. oh that would be great if you could get some free persimmons :-)

  3. Hope your tree can fruit for you V!

    Rowena, I hope so too :)

    Take care you two.

  4. The Missus really wanted to visit her parents Kat, but that 14 day quarantine just wouldn't work for us Kat.

  5. I thought the 14 day quarantine requirement for those coming to Hawaii was done away with for those who test negative Kirk.

    Take care.


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