Thursday, December 31, 2020

ichiyo raifuku

Saying this year was krazy is an understatement, yeah?!

So many sad days with all the loss of life.

Even if we didn't get to travel as much as we wanted to, or do all the things that we wanted to, I am thankful that I was able to share with you what adventures we did have.

Your comments always keep us inspired and motivated.

The Japanese have an idiom, ichiyo raifuku, it is a type of yojijukugo (idiom that uses four chinese characters).

Ichiyo raifuku is used to mean to hope for good after a long period of bad.

I hope 2021 will be a good year for everyone.

Be well, be kind and thank you for always being a part of our adventures.


  1. thank YOU for sharing your adventures!
    Happy New Year and be safe.

  2. Have a safe holiday V!

    Take care.

  3. Happy New Year Kat and Satoshi !!
    Hope it is a good one for both of you !

  4. Happy New Year! You enrich our lives with your experiences. Take care and have a great 2021!

  5. Happy New Year Kat and Satoshi,
    Thank you for Kat for taking all of us on your adventures. It took our minds off of this gloom and doom for awhile with every adventure. Have a safe and prosperous new year.
    Bonny in Ogg

  6. 1300 is the new 500 in Tokyo?

    I think it's less than 50-50 chance we'll be going on any trips in 2021 but LOOK OUT 2022!

    All the best!

  7. I know nothing of the chinese zodiac except from what I read, but if the ox brings luck then good for all of us - the world could use some right now!

  8. Best wishes for the New Year Kat! In these unprecedented times, we hold on to hope and all that makes us human, to care, to be responsible, to have compassion. It is sad to see that so much of that has fallen by the wayside....though I truly believe we can overcome this.

  9. Thank you Jo, Rtkmatsu, Jalna, Bonny, Saburo, Rowena & Kirk.
    I hope everyone has a great 2021!

    Take care everyone.


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